PS/2 Keyboard Information
I wanted to finally be able to use the keyboard of newer machines like an eMachines M6805 laptop with AMD64 3000+ x64 CPU from before 2007, wondering if it's USB, but many are still PS/2.
https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes-11.html#kccd1KBC command 0xD1 with value 0xFF (write output port and enable all) locks up some machines and it's not vital as it's used for resetting, enabling A20 and enabling keyboard/mouse clocks, but those things can be done in other ways.
Command 0xAE (enable keyboard) as used by VisOpSys (src/kernel/KernelPs2KeyboardDriver.c where it says
outPort64(0xAE);) is not normally needed, at least for initialization.