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 why einstein said this ?
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." - Albert Einstein !
what is the point of this quote ?
Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:21 pm |
Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:15 am Posts: 257
 Re: why einstein said this ?
why say it here? that quote is far from computer science much less Operating Systems...
but I am a fan of the philosophical... the answer to your question is because he was regarded as a genius and he was wise enough not to let himself trip over his own greatness... He has been proven wrong already... if his spirit lives today he would be embarrassed if he had allowed himself to believe that his findings to be divine truth...
my question is why bring that quote down here [the OS dever forums]?
Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:28 pm |
Terry A. Davis
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:51 pm Posts: 66
 Re: why einstein said this ?
I used to be an atheist, who obsessed on evolution. The Linux community is very belligerant towards religion. You might not think science is a religion, but it is. It's their identity.
At a certain age, I noticed reality wasn't quite as simple as I had thought. I finally understood why philospheres spend a lot of time discussing the world as it is and as it appears.
I worship wisdom over intelligence, now. I find myself chuckling a lot.
Being obsessed with intelligence and evolution is ugly behavior.
I am a generic Christian and include that in LoseThos, but it's no more in-your-face then the Linux stuff.
Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:44 pm |
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:09 am Posts: 58 Location: United Kingdom
 Re: why einstein said this ?
Terry A. Davis wrote: I used to be an atheist, who obsessed on evolution. The Linux community is very belligerant towards religion. You might not think science is a religion, but it is. It's their identity.
At a certain age, I noticed reality wasn't quite as simple as I had thought. I finally understood why philospheres spend a lot of time discussing the world as it is and as it appears.
I worship wisdom over intelligence, now. I find myself chuckling a lot.
Being obsessed with intelligence and evolution is ugly behavior.
I am a generic Christian and include that in LoseThos, but it's no more in-your-face then the Linux stuff. Define religion. Also, define how science is "their identity". Define Wisdom and Intelligence; And also how one worships a concept? In what way do your own faults (obsession with "evolution"; what exactly does that mean btw?) make an evil and omnipotent deity who in his "historical" text murdered the entire world at least once real? Basically, I found your post unreadable, full of patent gibberish and arguments from adjective. This video... help you understand that argument from adjective and why it is so dishonest. Aside from that, I very sincerly advice you to see a psychiatrist to talk through any issues you may have that have left you projecting so wildly and blindly. Thanks, James
Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:55 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:15 am Posts: 257
 Re: why einstein said this ?
I can answer that first question... basically cause I am not a member of any organized church...
my religion is my set of beliefs which indeed identifies me...
Intelligence is computation capabilities of the brain... Wisdom is just inherently beneficial to you...
and by-tha-way Agalloch... I respectfully say... shove it up your ass!!... people have told me that same thing to me... "Go seek a psychiatrist"... I so dislike hearing people say that...
again look at what you asked for... that video is 22min long... in a way your msg takes at the very least 22mins to fully read because that freaking video is 22min long...
Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:08 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:15 am Posts: 257
 Re: why einstein said this ?
and wisdom can be worshipped the same way men worship the body of a woman by paying attention to the details... ya know we take a look at their breasts and admire their firmness, their shape, their fullness... we take a their mid section and admire its nice hour glass curvature if we go further down we enjoy a nice apple shape thights... if we turn her around again admiring the apple bottom... we all know about the forbidden area in the front which is V shaped and looks like a camels toe... the back is different but can be nice as well...
ANYWHO... wisdom is worshipable in that manner... but it doesn't have them chemical triggers that looking at a woman's body does... but it has the virtue that it is that which is inherently beneficial to you...
Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:17 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:09 am Posts: 58 Location: United Kingdom
 Re: why einstein said this ?
I appreciate the enthusiasm DudeOfX but I am already aware of the definition of all the words used. I asked the poster for them as a way to encourage him to realise that the use of them didn't make any sense and that he was applying words to incorrect definitions. Science is by dy definition not religion, so it's best to see what it actually is that Terry sees in Science and Religion that is similar (because it's not religiosity)
As for seeing a psychiatrist, your childish response is understandable. People who don't seek out actual definitions, and simply pull ones of the top of the head are very open to the bias of seeing psychiatry as something for people with mental issues. This is silly; the purpose of psychiatry is to talk with a professional about emotional issues, and is an extremely rewarding experience.
Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:21 am |
Site Admin
Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:44 am Posts: 274 Location: United Kingdom
 Re: why einstein said this ?
LMAO, I'm gonna watch this topic  Have fun 
_________________ Thank you for reading,
Kieran C G Foot
Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:16 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:15 am Posts: 257
 Re: why einstein said this ?
well... I have a grudge against psychologist... I hold them responsible for many of the problems that society has today... cause they were the ones whose incite influenced bad decisions and empowered the wrong people... Because of them there often exist a system were the wrong people rise to power... Because of that they make my life more burdensome... I am forced to study psychology in order to break their authority... I will not go to a shrink because that act in itself is submission to a false authority... I do not value their degrees or the amount of time they spent committing the contents of a book to memory...
how easy it is for you to say... go read this book... go watch this video... can't you speak on your own behalf? Don't you understand the contents of those books/videos for you to be able to relay that incite by yourself. Did not Einstein say when you can explain it to your grandmother that's when you understand a specific topic... Don't you have any wisdom within you that would enable me to understand a specific truth? Why do you depend on my ability to compute specific books or assimilate a certain video?
must Sigmund Freud or B. F. Skinner always speak on your behalf?
Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:48 pm |
Terry A. Davis
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:51 pm Posts: 66
 Re: why einstein said this ?
Schitzophrena is not like Hollywood portrays it. You know how there are freaks, geeks, jocks, etc. in high school? If someone doesn't fit in a box, they are schitzophrenic. Computer people must be evolution obsessed atheists or they are abnormal and schitzo. There's a book somewhere which tells how each category of people thinks and if someone doesn't fit...
I read a marketing publication on selling to engineers. It said they think they are unusually rational compared to everyone else, but they aren't. A fool underestimates psychologists.
James is very clearly passionate about religion.
Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:27 pm |