Selling of Programming Books and Products (2023-?)
Here is a list of the books and products I am currently selling,
as part of my projects to support myself economically.
udocproject@yahoo.comDonations or buying:
http://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_bu ... QS2YTW3V64Just contact me, send me money with PayPal or credit card,
and I will send you the download link. If it's a physical book,
please send me your full physical air mail address.
PC Programming, Assembler, C and JavaScriptMy own low-level programming digital-only book/Udemy course.
Coming soon.
Windows Graphics Programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw, Feng YuanISO CD-ROM image of the book.
Example of the book:
$50 book/disk
$25 digital ISO/book only
Phyysical book with CD-ROM ISO image, Real Time Animation ToolkitExample of the book:
https://www.amazon.com/Real-Time-Animat ... 0471121479